Degree Programs

Georgia Highlands College offers the following degree programs:

Bachelor Degree Programs

Bachelor degree programs prepare students for employment upon graduation. Additionally, students who complete bachelor degrees are able to apply to graduate degree programs. On their own, bachelor degree programs can be finished in four years. Many of GHC’s transfer associate degree programs meet the course requirements for first two years of GHC bachelor degrees, allowing students to earn both an associate degree and a bachelor degree in four years.

Each bachelor degree program contains a core of general education courses and a block of upper-level degree preparation courses. All students should work closely with their advisors in the selection of courses within the programs of study that are most applicable to their career interests and further educational aspirations.

Career Associate Degree Programs

Career associate degree programs are designed to prepare the student for entrance into the workplace upon completion of the associate degree. These degree programs are composed of both general education and career preparation courses. Career associate degree programs lead to the Associate of Science Dental Hygiene, Associate of Science Human Services, and Associate of Science Nursing degrees.

Nexus Degree Program

Beginning in 2020, the University System of Georgia started offering a new academic credential entitled the Nexus Degree. It is the first new degree program offered in the United States since the 1890s. Requiring the same 60 credit-hour completion as an associate’s degree, the Nexus is targeted toward high-demand career areas in the State of Georgia

Transfer Associate Degree Programs

Transfer associate degree programprovide the first two years of course work toward the completion of a bachelor degree at a four-year institution or at GHC. Transfer associate degree programs lead to the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree.

The Associate of Arts degree (A.A.) and Associate of Science degree (A.S.) prepare students who are planning further study in many disciplines. These degrees consist of 42 hours of the required core curriculum courses, 4 hours of institutional requirements, and 18 hours of lower level courses related to a bachelor’s degree field of study.

An Academic Pathway is an advising guide to help students prepare for their intended bachelor’s degree major. By following the course of study for either an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science pathway, students will have the required general education courses to move into a four-year bachelor’s program of study. A pathway is not a major and will not be represented on the diploma.