Career degree programs are programs of study that prepare students for employment upon graduation. Most programs can be finished in two years. Program completion leads to the Associate of Applied Science degree or to the Associate of Science degree in specific health areas.

Each career program contains a core of general education courses and a block of career preparation courses. All students should work closely with their advisers in the selection of courses within the programs of study that are most applicable to their career interests and further educational aspirations.

Students entering the College in career degree programs are required to graduate from the designated program before they will be allowed to change to a transfer program of study. Exceptions may be made if the student met admissions criteria for transfer degree programs at the time of original enrollment at the College.

Programs of Study

Georgia Highlands College offers programs leading to the Associate of Science degree in the following health-related areas:

To update your degree, pathway, or concentration please complete the Program of Study Update form.