ORGL 1100  Leadership in a Global Society  3 Credits  
Students learn how cultural context affects leadership style, conflict negotiation, and ethical decision making; examine how leaders might impact culture; and develop their own multicultural awareness and competencies. Contemporary cases of how leadership varies depending on cultural context are researched. Key geographical regions of the world will be analyzed from a leadership perspective, and an individual cultural experience highlighting the intersection of leadership and culture also occurs.
ORGL 1500  Profiles of Leaders  3 Credits  
The objective of this course is to focus on the basic principles of personal and interpersonal leadership through the exploration of various leaders. It uses the case study method to analyze several well-known leaders. Students will explore the motivation, decision-making, <me management, power, team building, conflict resolution, and change management of pivotal leaders.
ORGL 2050  Communications for the Workplace  3 Credits  
Principles of effective oral and written communications. A thorough review of grammar, sentence and paragraph construction, punctuation, and writing techniques. Emphasis on the job-getting process.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1102.  
ORGL 2100  Writing for Leadership  3 Credits  
Move beyond the inspirational poster! In this course, students read and study the works of famous leaders as models for their own communications as leaders. Students will learn to analyze the rhetoric and persuasive techniques in the speeches, writings, and rhetoric of leaders both real and fictional, such as Shakespeare's Henry V, Winston Churchill, Sun Tzu, Marcus Aurelius, Queen Elizabeth I and others, while reading excerpts from contemporary business advice literature. Themes for the class will include How to Inspire, How to Navigate Change, and How to Change Minds.
ORGL 2601  Introduction to Public Administration  3 Credits  
This course introduces students to Public Administration, which is a subfield of Political Science. Administrative aspects of Political Science will be examined, focusing on concepts and methods used to analyze public policy, political systems, governmental structures, bureaucracy, government and public management, and public policy planning.
ORGL 2800  Ethics and Leadership  3 Credits  
The objective of this course is to explore the theories, models, and constructs related to the study and practice of ethics and leadership. Teaches students to develop ethical decision making strategies, communicate effectively in diverse group settings, value civic engagement and actively apply ethical leadership skills.
ORGL 2900  Program and Policy Evaluation for Leaders  3 Credits  
Students will learn the methods of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating policy and program information used in organizational evaluations. Program and policy evaluation assists program managers and policy makers (leaders) in making decisions about which programs to fund, policies to modify, expand or eliminate. Students will learn how to be critical and effective users of evaluations. This course will examine a broad range of social and organizational policy areas including health, criminal justice (public sector), education, public finance, human services, and development.
ORGL 3000  Reflective Seminar I: Self as Learner  1 Credit  
Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". An introduction to the major conceptual frameworks for reflective learning that require students to reflect on and document their own assumptions, beliefs, and biases and how they affected their prior learning experiences.
ORGL 3050  Reflective Seminar II: Self in Context  1 Credit  
Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". A seminar that develops students understanding of the conceptual frameworks for reflective learning and asks students to reflect on and document the social networks, environmental context, and political context that has affected their prior learning experiences.
Prerequisite(s): ORGL 3000.  
ORGL 3200  Introduction to Organizational Development  3 Credits  
A broad survey of major topics in Organizational Development including but not limited to Introduction to organizational process; creation of organizational growth climates/cultures; examination and selection of effective leadership styles and effective modes of communication; coping with the future in periods of accelerating change.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1101.  
ORGL 3400  Technology for Organizations  3 Credits  
Development of intermediate and advanced skills in the use of spreadsheet, database, communication, and presentation software. Emphasis is placed on creation of computer projects appropriate to the students major.
ORGL 4000  Reflective Seminar III: Transforming Self, Self Transformation  1 Credit  
Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". A seminar including critical self-evaluation of prior learning experiences using frameworks for reflection and analysis and development of students own capacity to adapt and transform their own learning practices.
Prerequisite(s): ORGL 3000 & ORGL 3050.  
ORGL 4690  Capstone Seminar  3 Credits  
A capstone course in which students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of reflective learning, conceptual frameworks, goals of their own degree. program and/or specialization within Organizational Leadership.
Prerequisite(s): ORGL 3000, ORGL 3050, & ORGL 4000.  
ORGL 4900  Organizational Internship  3 Credits  
Students may receive academic credit for personal experience in non-profit organizations, the political process, or public employment. Credit hours only apply toward electives.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1101.