OATC 3150  Computer Operating Systems  3 Credits  
A general overview of computer hardware, networks, and operating systems. Developing basic technological expertise and leadership in administering computer technology in the workplace is emphasized. This course helps prepare students to take a certification exam for a current operating system.
OATC 3610  Web Design and Multimedia  3 Credits  
Development of the knowledge and skills necessary for utilizing web editing and graphics programs effectively. This course will focus on the design and production of web sites and other materials for use in educational and training environments.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.  
OATC 3700  Desktop Publishing  3 Credits  
Development of desktop publishing concepts and their application to the modern office. Basic, intermediate, and advanced features of a variety of application programs for page design will be used to create various business-related documents.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.  
OATC 4020  Virtual Office Technology  3 Credits  
A general overview of the skills needed to perform as a virtual office assistant in the modern office. Emphasis on the use of a time and information management software application. Increased awareness of the role of online meeting/internet telephone communication software in the workplace, Internet research, social networking tools in the workplace, ecommerce, and the use of mobile devices.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.  
OATC 4160  Administrative Office Procedures  3 Credits  
Development of increased awareness of the role and scope of the administrative assistant position. This course will focus on basic and expanded job responsibilities, professionalism, and performance of simulated office activities.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.  
OATC 4810  Contemporary Skills  3 Credits  
Analysis of the workplace skills needed in a rapidly changing technological society. Emphasis is on communication skills, employee motivation, change management, delegation, team building, and career planning. Students are required to build a career plan and to design a change management project.