ENVS 1123K Environmental Science I 4 Credits
This course is an interdisciplinary study integrating principles of the natural sciences and non-science disciplines as they apply to the environment. Focus on current global concerns including renewable and nonrenewable energy issues, land use and the urban environment, climate change, water resources, air and water pollution, mineral resources, and the history of environmental laws and policies in the U.S. Laboratory Fee.
Course Fee Required
ENVS 1124 Environmental Science II (lect 3 Credits
ENVS 1124K Environmental Science II 4 Credits
This course is an interdisciplinary study integrating principles of the natural sciences and non-science disciplines as they apply to the environment. Focus on current global concerns including biodiversity, species endangerment and extinction, conservation biology, agriculture and the future of food, world food security, environmental pollution and human health, and benefits and problems with pesticides. Laboratory Fee.
Course Fee Required
ENVS 2202 Environmental Science - eCore 3 Credits
Environmental Science, the study of interactions between humans and the environment, is an interdisciplinary science course that integrates principles from biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, and non-science disciplines. Issues of local, regional, and global concern will be used to help students explain scientific concepts and analyze practical solutions to complex environmental problems. Emphasis is placed on the study of ecosystems, human population growth, energy, pollution, and other environmental issues as well as important environmental regulations.