COMM 1100 Human Communication 3 Credits
Human Communication is an introductory general-education course for all GHC students and students in the Communication pathway focused on the fundamental components of the human communication process, emphasizing selected concepts, methods, and practice in one-on-one, small group, and presentational settings. This class covers such areas as information gathering, perception, message design, audience considerations, verbal/nonverbal approaches, discussion/delivery strategies, critical analysis, and related media technology support resources. Includes student speaking assignments.
COMM 1110 Public Speaking 2-3 Credits
Public Speaking is a course for all pathways that is designed to help students improve their ability to prepare and deliver effective oral presentations before an audience. This fundamental speech course emphasizes creation of ideas, audience analysis, managing anxiety, organization skills, delivery techniques, use of visuals aids and presentation software. Students will extemporaneously deliver a variety of speeches, including informative and persuasive speeches. Most students should instead take the three-credit version of the course.
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory placement scores or successful completion of learning support English requirements.
Notes: The two-credit version of this course is for Dental Hygiene.
COMM 1502 Intercultural Communication 3 Credits
In today’s multicultural, global society, intercultural communication is a common occurrence. Intercultural Communication is an introductory course for all pathways that examines effective and productive interactions between and among various cultural, linguistic, ethnic, racial and social groups. This course will explore (1) humans as cultural beings (who we are, how we think, how we write it) and (2) how cultural differences among humans relate to language learning and teaching. Through this course, students build knowledge and skills to communicate across cultures to increase their effectiveness at work and in the community.
COMM 2101 Writing for Digital Media 3 Credits
Effective media writing is clear, concise, and accurate. This course is an introduction to the variety of standard writing styles employed by media professionals. Topics may include news writing, advertising copy, public service announcements, and copyrighting formats for film, television, radio, and the internet.
COMM 2105 Interpersonal Communication 3 Credits
This course covers the principles, theories and practical applications of effective interpersonal communication in both face-to-face and mediated contexts. Among other topics, self-perception, self-disclosure, conflict management, verbal and nonverbal communication within dyadic communication situations will be covered. Students will learn to become sensitive to the relational development of these ideas in various contexts, particularly those involving relationships within families, among co-workers and friends, and romantic partners.
COMM 2230 Introduction to Mass Media 3 Credits
A survey of the mass media and its impact on society. This introductory course examines theories and practices of mass communication in a variety of contexts including but not limited to radio, television, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, citizen media and social media. Topics also include ethical, moral, legal, gender, and minority issues. This is a foundation course for students pursuing careers in communication and journalism, including print/broadcast media, public relations, sales and marketing, advertising, digital media and corporate communications.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1101 or consent of instructor.
COMM 2254 Media Ethics 3 Credits
Examination of the major classical and contemporary ethical philosophies. Application of ethical decision-making models to media issues, particularly freedom of speech, economic pressure, invasion of privacy, and the public’s rights.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1101 grade C or better or consent of instructor.
COMM 2999 Professional Internship 3 Credits
Students may earn three hours of course credit while gaining, practical, supervised experience in the field with an agency, company, non-profit organization, government entity, or community-based organization. Internships are completed under the guidance of an on-site supervisor and a faculty member and require a memorandum of understanding agreement with the college.
COMM 3330 Advanced Communication Skills 3 Credits
Analysis and application of interpersonal, small group, and mediated communication skills as effective speaking, listening, negotiation, conflict management, presentation, and media interviewing.
Prerequisite(s): COMM 1110 with C or better.