Course Withdrawal

Students may officially withdraw from a course after the drop/add period ends during the Withdraw period using the online web registration system or the Course Withdrawal form.  A grade of “W” is assigned to officially withdrawn classes.  Refunds are not issued for Course Withdrawals, only full withdrawals.

Withdrawals without penalty will not be given after the Withdrawal deadline except in cases determined as hardship.  Not following the official withdrawal procedure may result in a grade of F or F$ at the end of the course.

Withdrawal from All Courses

Students may officially withdraw from all courses after the drop/add period ends during the Withdraw period using the Full Withdrawal form,  A grade of “W” is assigned to officially withdrawn classes.

Students with financial aid should be aware that fees may be owed if their full withdrawal affects their financial aid. Student accounts will be refunded according to a graduated percentage scale beginning the second meeting day of classes.  The official withdrawal date is indicated by the student’s intent on the signed and dated form. 

Withdrawals without penalty will not be given after the Withdrawal deadline except in cases determined as hardship.  Not following the official withdrawal procedure may result in a grade of F or F$ at the end of the course.

Hardship Withdrawal

If a student does not complete a withdrawal form by the withdrawal deadline and that student is unable to successfully complete an academic term due to medical, personal, or financial reasons beyond the student’s control, the student may apply for a hardship withdrawal through the Office of the Provost. A hardship withdrawal is typically processed as a withdrawal from all courses for that semester. The Provost or their designee may approve a partial withdrawal with substantial supporting documentation from the student. If the withdrawal is granted, a grade of "W" is assigned for the appropriate course(s). An application for hardship withdrawal does not guarantee the student a grade of "W".

A hardship withdrawal may have financial aid implications and students should verify the potential impact before submitting the hardship withdrawal request.

If it is determined by the Provost that a student is not capable of completing the hardship withdrawal process, someone else may act on behalf of the student such as the student’s parent, guardian, or legal next of kin.

Conditions for Hardship Withdrawal Application

  • Requests for hardship withdrawals should be submitted on the official form found on the Provost’s website.
  • Hardship withdrawals can only be requested after the official withdrawal date for the academic term in question has passed. If a student wishes to withdraw before that date, the regular withdrawal process should be followed.
  • Hardship withdrawals cannot be requested after the date grades are due for the next semester following the academic term in which the classes in question are held.
    • Hardship withdrawal request deadline for Fall classes is the final grade due date for the immediately following Spring
    • Hardship withdrawal request deadline for Spring classes is the final grade due date for the immediately following Summer
    • Hardship withdrawal request deadline for Summer classes is the final grade due date for the immediately following Fall
  • A student may not request a hardship withdrawal from any class in which they have attempted the final or submitted a final project or paper for the class. The Office of the Provost will contact the instructors of the classes in question to determine if this rule applies or to determine the last date of attendance for the student.
  • All hardship withdrawal requests must have proper documentation in order to demonstrate a hardship in one or more courses.

Hardship Withdrawal Documentation Requirements

The student must provide a written personal statement of hardship. In the personal statement, students must provide accurate details about the circumstances of the hardship event(s), such as the dates of the event(s) and how the event(s) specifically prevented the completion of coursework.

In addition, the student shall provide official documentation supporting their hardship. The documentation should be consistent with the personal statement and will be verified by the Office of the Provost before any decision is rendered in relation to the hardship withdrawal application.

Examples of Official Documentation

  • Medical (e.g. physical or psychological emergencies): signed and dated physician's statement on office letterhead indicating the dates of hardship.
  • Personal (e.g. severe medical illness within family, death in the family, arrests): may include but are not limited to death certificates, obituaries, police reports, or physician's letters. The student should obtain documents that contain contact information and are dated.
  • Financial (e.g. loss of sole-supporting job or mandatory job changes): documentation that clearly states the mandatory change and the date that these changes took place or will take place. This document should contain contact information for an organizational representative that can verify these changes, preferably a human resource professional. if possible.

If either the conditions for applying for a hardship withdrawal are not met, or documentation is not sufficient to prove that the hardship occurred, the Office of the Provost will not grant a hardship withdrawal for the courses in question. In such cases, the student keeps the grade recorded by the instructor for the course or courses in question. If a student wishes to challenge that final grade, the final grade appeal process should be followed.

If a student believes they have a valid reason to request a hardship withdrawal that is neither medical, personal, or financial – e.g. misadvised, hardship condition extends beyond the deadline for applying for a hardship and blocks the application process, etc., they can appeal to the Office of the Provost for special consideration. Documentation of the reason for the special consideration must be provided.