In accordance with the stated goals of Georgia Highlands College, the Academic Progress policy aims to support students in their efforts to be successful learners. These policies intend to be motivational rather than punitive. However, it is neither effective nor ethical for students to be allowed to register for and fail an unlimited number of courses.

  • Good Standing: status of a student who has at least 12 transfer and institutional GPA credit hours and holds an institutional GPA of 2.0 or more.
  • Academic Warning: status of a student who has between 12 and 23 transfer and institutional GPA credit hours and holds an institutional GPA of less than 2.0.
  • Academic Probation: status of a student on Academic Warning whose term GPA falls below 2.0 in the semester following being placed on Academic Warning. This status also applies to a student who has earned more than 23 credit hours, including transfer credit, and who holds an institutional GPA of less than 2.0.
  • Academic Dismissal: status of a student on Academic Probation whose term GPA falls below 2.0 in the semester following being placed on Academic Probation. The three levels of Academic Dismissal are discussed below as part of the content of this policy.

Academic Warning and Probation

Student Academic Progress is evaluated by the Registrar’s office at the end of each term. If the resulting institutional GPA moves a student from a status of Good Standing to Academic Warning, or from Academic Warning to Academic Probation, the student receives communication from the Provost’s office outlining the consequences of the assigned status. The communication also includes suggested resources, including Student Support Services, Tutorial Services, contact information for advising, and tips for success in college.

Consequences of Academic Warning

Students are encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor, a professional advisor, or their designee to develop a success plan.  Student with this stand who do not earn a 2.0 institutional GPA the following term will be moved to Academic Probation. 

Consequences of Academic Probation

Students on Academic Probation must communicate with an Academic Retention and Resources staff member before registering for classes. This standing prevents self-registration so students on Academic Probation must meet with an advisor to register.  Students with this standing who do not earn a 2.0 institutional GPA the following term will be moved to Academic Dismissal.  

Academic Dismissal

Students who are on Academic Dismissal receive a letter from the Office of the Provost to the student’s home address and GHC email address. The letter explains the consequences of Academic Dismissal and the process for appealing this standing.

Consequences of First Dismissal

First dismissal results in immediate dismissal from all academic and student life activities for one term, including athletics. Students retain access to all student support services and campus facilities. This decision may be appealed through the appeals process, described below.

Consequences of Second Dismissal

Once students who were out a semester due to first dismissal return, they return to a status of Academic Probation, with the consequences of Academic Probation taking effect. They must earn at least a 2.0 term GPA for the semester they return. If they fail to meet the GPA requirements for that term, they are dismissed again for one year. After a one-year suspension, the student must be readmitted to the College. This decision may be appealed through the appeals process, described below.

Consequences of Third Dismissal

If a student returns to Georgia Highlands College after a one-year suspension due to a second dismissal, the student readmits with a status of Academic Probation, with the consequences of Academic Probation taking effect. They must earn at least a term 2.0 GPA for the semester in which they return. If the student does not meet the GPA requirements, the student is dismissed for three years. This decision may be appealed through the appeals process, described below.

If a student is dismissed for the third time, the student may apply for Academic Renewal after the third year. Academic Renewal is outlined as a separate policy below.

Appeal Process for Dismissal

The Academic Progress Committee (APC), a Committee of the Faculty, hears appeals. Appeals are held on a campus designated by the APC, on a day between semesters determined by the APC.  Students wishing to appeal their dismissal should follow the instructions found in the letter sent by the Provost’s office which notifies them of their dismissal. All those wanting to appeal must reach out to the contact listed in the letter and submit a statement of appeal as well as any supporting documentation by the deadline indicated. Students may also request to speak to the committee during the appeal meeting.

Prior Dismissals

GHC applicants must submit transcripts from all previously attended colleges at the time of admission. If those transcripts indicate an academic dismissal from another school, they shall only be considered in the determination of academic standing if they are from the immediate five years prior to the date of application to GHC. (See policy EM.PO.610 – Applicant Academic Dismissal Status)

If the applicant is returning to GHC as a re-admit, previous academic dismissals for GHC shall only be considered in the determination of academic standing if they are from the immediate five years prior to the date of re-application to GHC. (See policy EM.PO.610 – Applicant Academic Dismissal Status)

Academic Renewal

Students who have experienced academic difficulty at Georgia Highlands College may have one opportunity to make a fresh start at the institution after an absence of three or more calendar years from any higher education Institution. GHC students must apply and be granted academic renewal to have a fresh start on their cumulative GPA.

The following regulations apply to the Academic Renewal process:

  • A renewal GPA is begun when the student resumes taking course work following approval for Renewal status.
  • The Academic Renewal GPA will be used for determining academic standing and eligibility for graduation. To earn a degree, a student must meet the institution’s residency requirement by earning at least 18 semester hours of credit at GHC.
  • Academic credit for previously completed course work–including transfer course work–will be retained only for courses in which an A, B or C grade has been earned. All coursework earned remains a part of the student’s academic history but D and F grades are coded so that they do not count in institutional GPA.
  • All courses with D or F grades must be completed at Georgia Highlands College if they are required in the student’s degree program.
  • Institutions to which the student may transfer may or may not recognize the Academic Renewal GPA for the transfer GPA to their institution.
  • The Academic Renewal GPA applies to academic standing and graduation and does not supersede Financial Aid policies regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Application for Renewal must be made through the Office of the Registrar where additional information regarding the program is also available. All coursework earned remains a part of the student’s academic history regardless of being granted academic renewal. Explanation of and application for Academic Renewal may be obtained in any of the campus administrative offices or the Registrar’s Office at the Floyd campus.